Report Summary (Dual Property)

The same "Report Summary" form can be used a dual property situation, i.e., "before v. after", "as is v. as proposed", "current v. retrospective", or other combinations where two valuation opinions for the same property are required.

Commensurate with the Single Property page option, this dual property page header can display any label you determine to be appropriate for the assignment.  The same information is generally required with each report type, but USPAP requires the user to identify the "Report Type" (see example below --- these are not displayed as a pick-list option, there is a blank and names like this typed into the space --- and your custom names can be saved as a "cell response").

It is noted, the cell responses should be shortened to correspond with the width available --- especially in the "Physical Characteristic" section.

The 5-acre taking for the road widening project reduces the property size.  The simple example only shows how the "dual" property situation can be displayed on a single report summary page.