Two components (Approaches to Value & Scope of Work) have been combined as an option in the 2020 form-set release as an option to those found in the Classic forms --- or crafted on a Word Processing page by the user.

The Approaches to Value populate the top portion of the page:

The user checks the applicable box(es) or approaches applied in the assignment with quotations from Valuing Rural American, American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA), Denver, Co., 2019.  If approaches are omitted, an explanation is required by USPAP.

The bottom portion contains the Scope of Work (SOW).  

This example was assembled from several assignments for a brief presentation here.  The SOW appears at the bottom of the page of additional pages can be added via the Word Processor in ClickForms.  As project complexity increases, one would anticipate the SOW will also grow to inform the reader about the steps undertaken to complete the assignment and solve the valuation problem.