Subject Land Description

Flexibility is the new norm in ClickForms.  While a hard-coded list leads trainees through the process, there can be considerable blank look, blank cells, etc., when properties exhibit higher levels of complexity.  The 2020 Subject Land Description page is about 80% narrative allowing the user to craft comments specifically to the physical and economic characteristics that impact the Subject's value in any particular competitive market area.  The verbiage below is taken from several non-related appraisals to illustrate what can be addressed that may be a little out of the norm.

The land grid and ER calculation sync's with the Subject QuickStart page.  There are nine (9) elements to be rated in the check-boxes with four variable fields the user defines, if desired, and rates.

The lower to entries prompt the valuer to address the easements/encroachments and hazards/detriments associated with the property.  If additional space is needed for explanation, the up/down arrows at the lower right corner of each text area allows some flexibility to add/subtract lines from other narrative sections on the page.  A Word Processor page can also be added after this page to continue commenting.