Subject Improvement Description

There is only one minor change to the subject improvement description page --- the improvement information on the second page is horizontal rather than The Classic version which is vertical.  The lower portion of the grid stays the same.

There have been a few items removed from the improvement list, i.e., construction, quality, foundation, roof, floor, and exterior fields.  


2020 NEW Form with additions for condition, total life, RCN/Unit, and Total RCN.  These changes allow for a higher degree of synchronization with DataLog and the "save sale as subject" and "save subject as sale" functionality.  The costing information added enables the calculations within the Cost Approach.

The bottom of the page contains the same elements, improvement rankings, and now auto-calcs the "Overall Building REL" in years.  That formula is: each building's contribution X remaining economic life --- summed for all buildings, then divided by the cumulative building contribution = Overall REL.