This page is merely a display or worksheet showing the deprecation rates for improved sales.  This is typically the third (3rd) page in the Cost Approach to enable the reader to understate the rates selected for the subject buildings.  Hit "Import Sales" (red box) and a list of all improvements appears:

Four improvements were "unchecked" (red boxes) because of a log house (not like the subject) and three smaller garages and grain bins (purple boxes).  Further, only twenty (20) improvements can be displayed in the grid.

A green box was placed around the houses to value the subject's house at the bottom of the Cost Approach page which had Average Utility and Condition.  The explanation below right "Compare (Sale) to Subject" allows the user to identify how the overall rate of deprecation for each improvement compares to the subject house, i.e., "Equal", "Inferior", "Superior", etc.

AgWare justified the improvement groups to assist the reader to understand the display.