Cost Approach Summary
Cost Approach (2022 Release)
The complex Cost Approach consists of a 3-page form set at a minimum; however, 3 pages of additional subject improvements can be added for six (6) pages total. Each of the improvement pages has space for 15 subject buildings/improvements x 4 pages = 60 total improvements possible.
The land list will populate with the land types on the Subject Quickstart. It will display the low and high value of the sales on the land sales page. $/Acre conclusion can be manually entered or enter land $/acre for the 1st land row and click the Allocate button. This will allocate the $/Acre based on the ratios on the left.
1-4 four separate pages can be added x 15 improvements = 60 improvements total
5 Land Value Summary
6 Improvement Value Summary (Four pages or 60 improvements summary)
7-9 Three additional lines for things like the example shows